Section 1: Demographic Information

Question title


Under 18
65 or older
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you live in Teton County?

I work in Teton County
Closed to responses

Question title

If you answered yes, what is your residential status:

Closed to responses

Question title

If you answered yes, how long have you lived in Teton County?

Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years
Closed to responses

 Section 2: Management Practices


Question title

What is the most important way Teton County ISWR can improve waste reduction and reuse? Please share a word or phrase in the comment box below:

What is the most important way Teton County ISWR can improve waste reduction and reuse? Please share a word or phrase in the comment box below:
Closed for Comments

Question title

How likely are you to adjust your personal waste and recycling behaviors?

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Do you experience challenges in understanding and following recycling guidelines in Teton County?

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How would you rate your current level of knowledge about waste reduction and recycling options in Teton County?

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Are you aware of convenient composting options in your area?

Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following waste reduction practices do you currently engage in? (Select all that apply).

Yard waste Composting
Food waste Composting
Reusing items
Repairing items
Reducing single-use plastics
Closed to responses

Question title

What barriers, if any, prevent you from participating in waste reduction initiatives or programs? (select all that apply).

Lack of convenient recycling
Lack of convenient composting
Lack of awareness about available programs
Lack of time
Lack of transportation
Cost of participating
Unsure about what can be recycled/composted
No barriers
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following waste reduction initiatives do you find most beneficial or effective? (select all that apply).

Composting programs
Educational campaigns
General reuse
Repair items
Closed to responses

Section 3: Information, Education and Outreach

Question title

How do you receive your local information? (select all that apply).

News&Guide Daily/Weekly/Digital
Local Radio
Social Media
Word of mouth
Closed to responses

Question title

Would you be interested in attending community events or initiatives focused on waste diversion education?

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In your opinion, what role should local businesses play in educating visitors about waste diversion? (select all that apply).

They should actively promote and implement sustainable practices
They should provide educational materials or signage in their establishments
They should collaborate with local authorities to offer educational programs
Closed to responses

Section 4: Future Priorities and Suggestions 

Question title

How important do you believe it is for Teton County to achieve the community goal of diverting 60% of waste from the landfill by 2030?

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What waste reduction initiative would you like to see? (select in order of importance).

Closed to responses

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 

Your input is vital to our efforts in creating a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly community. 

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at



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