Town of Jackson Equity and Inclusion Survey
Town of Jackson Equity and Inclusion Survey
Community members are encouraged to participate in a survey from the Town of Jackson that aims to identify strengths and challenges related to equity and inclusion.
The Town of Jackson is surveying community members to identify strengths and challenges related to equity and inclusion. The first set of questions focuses on equity (fair treatment, access, and opportunity) and inclusion (creating environments where people with different backgrounds, identities, and lived experiences can be and feel welcome, respected, supported, and valued to voice their opinions and fully participate in decision-making processes). The second set of questions gathers demographic data to ensure we hear from a wide variety of community members, and to better understand distinct perspectives in different segments of our community.
Your answers will be compiled anonymously and kept completely confidential. Every question in the survey is entirely voluntary, please answer them to the best of your ability.
Click here for the survey in English.
Click here for the survey in Spanish.
This is hidden text that lets us know when google translate runs.